Lehe Cheers For NBA Finals Kick off
Source: | Author: Eric | Published time: 2017-06-02 | 3198 Views | Share:
Long-waited NBA finals kick off, we are paying high attention to Warriors as we are one of sponsors. In order to short time for players back to break room, team manager of Warriors provided Lehe special customized electric scooters for each of them. The event makes Lehe jump to field of NBA view.

Lehe Cheers For NBA Finals Kick off



Long-waited NBA finals kick off, we are paying high attention to Warriors as we are one of sponsors.
In order to short time for players back to break room, team manager of Warriors provided Lehe special
customized electric scooters for each of them. The event makes Lehe jump to field of NBA view.



Everything is at stake for Warriors and Cavaliers, they are the most powerful teams and well-matched. It was the
pivotal moment in the Warriors' 
113-91 victory that gave them a 1-0 lead in the opening game. 

There's really no excuse for us not to be playing well.” Stephen Curry said before finals. With fans of Curry,
we have great expectations for Warriors to be the final winner.




Curry got 28 Pts and 10 Asts in the first fight. It is a new high level for Double-double in his personal
finals’ experiences and this play-offs series. Lehe will pay attention to following games.



The Cavaliers rose from an impossible 1-3 Finals hole to defeat the Warriors in last finals. It was the first championship for the title-starved Cavaliers in more than a half-decade ,meanwhile the Warriors was the first lost the game based on the advantages of 3-1 in NBA finals history."We want to win the championship however way we can do it," Curry said. "We just have to go get it."
Lehe believes Larry O'Brien Trophy is coming to Warriors.